Tuesday, April 17, 2018


                                             King Solmon

Parents: King David, son of Jesse,son of Obed ,Son of Boaz, Son of Salmon and his Mother is Bathsheba

Reigned: 40 years (1 Kings 11:42)

Death: Natural Causes( 1 Chronicles 9:3) ( 1 Kings 13:43)

Read about 1 Kings Chapters 1-11 And 2 Chronicles Chapters 1-9 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Dear,Teenage World Chronicles

Dear, Teenage World
Everyone been through it
Yes it's true
But at the moment my problem is diiferent from you
Sometimes us teens feel that way
But this teen right here is in the truth to stay
Yes i'm young
But I'm strong
Words hurt but they won't stay for long
Christ was a teen so we can talk to him
He understand a teen world differnt from them(adults)
Sometimes they forgot that they were teens just like us
But don't be mad at them for being "hard on you"
They just want the best for you
Take time with them as they take time with you
Because they can abandon you in the teen world
Going blind and wounded in to the adult world
Just think about it a couple of years
With people I might not know in 20 years
Love yourself and fight through this teen world cause one
A new chapter will be created